Zong 3G and 4G free internet with vpn
If you have android os handset and you are in zong 3G or 4G coverage area so you can use free internet on your active zong sim with zero balance.
HOW TO USE Zong 3G and 4G free internet
you just need to download and install hammer vpn on android os handset with below settings
hammervpn settings for zong free 3g and 4g
See below screen shoot of hammer vpn ports setting.
After add ports on hammer vpn click on connect and enjoy zong free internet with zero balance.
How to Register your account for hammer vpn:
First Of All You Need Gmail Account..
Then Register For TunnelGuru Account With Your Gmail For Free From here
After Registration you will get your password in your gmail account,
now open hammer vpn on your mobile and add your username and password
then press connect you can use daily 150mb on free trail servers
You can use this account on all tunelguru products Like Troid vpn
Slow Dns
How to use hammer vpn unlimeted:
After checking daily 150mb trail if you wan to use unlimited for 1 month so will Need to buy package plan on tunelguru web for $4.25 usd for buying you can use your paypal or credit card.
How to Buy 1 month unlimited withou paypal or credit card:
If you don't have paypal or credit crad and can not buy online so you can order me on Facebook or email
Before order you must have your registerd and working account on hammervpn,
On order time you will provide me your username after your payment i will recharge your account for 1 month unlimted then you can use premium servers on hammervpn,
1 mounth unlimeted plan for RS 500/= pkr
payment method's:
Bank transfer.
How can contact Me:
Ask your question in comment section,
(i dont give you any guranty about zong free net blocking zong can block this hammervpn trick any time)